I work in Film. I live in Martial Arts. I thrive in Imagination.


Media, Film, Streaming, Story



Filmmaking here with articles, tech, story and other stuff to learn, inspire and maybe piss you off as in "Why didn't I know that before!" Believe me, happens to me all day long. Always more to learn and strategize for greater success and Joy in this amazing filmmaking world. I enjoy action films but really good ones in what I like to call "Arthouse Action" which are films like "Die Hard", "Enemy of the State" and others with quick witted words coupled with quicker action. But make no mistake I prize and enjoy the Art of Cinema in many genres and eras.

Great Film Shots

Most Beautiful Shots in Film

September 28, 20240 min read

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Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

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