Why Writing?
All that chatter in one's brain?! Cured for me by writing down my thoughts and forcing my brain to clarify and order them. To pick the words for precision. The order of the words to clarify thinking. Perhaps this effort is a constant Socratic forum for my brain to achieve more and more.
The Mars Project and Elon Musk - did von Braun see the future? ...more
January 28, 2025•6 min read
When writing novels and scripts, I am a 'moody' writer and select the tools that I feel are the most useful in the creative brainstorming moment. "Plottr" fits the bill well in many cases. It does one... ...more
September 26, 2024•0 min read
Amazing how the world of fiction eventually becomes some type of reality. Why is that? ...more
July 04, 2024•4 min read
China has pushed its 'nine-dash line' map to claim a huge swath of the South China Sea. The countries whose territory is encroached are pushing back - including the Phillipines. ...more
Writing ,Filmmaking &Warrior
March 07, 2024•0 min read
The Phalanx system is a US navy ship defense. An anti-missile machine gun which was first used in 2024 in an actual shootdown - but's been around forever. ...more
Writing ,Filmmaking &Warrior
February 20, 2024•1 min read
Systems Can Multiply Your Efforts to Achieve Your Goals...Even Simple Ones ...more
Writing ,Filmmaking Scholar Warrior &SW-Systems
October 30, 2023•3 min read
We Live Inside Hundreds of "Systems" - Why Not Use This to Your Advantage? ...more
Writing ,Filmmaking Scholar &SW-Systems
October 30, 2023•3 min read
Life Moves Fast. This Technique Highlights Your Important Directions ...more
Writing ,Filmmaking Scholar Warrior &SW-BrainstormingHow
October 30, 2023•3 min read
Understanding your Internal Brain System Will Give Your More Control ...more
Writing ,Filmmaking Scholar Warrior &SW-Identity
October 30, 2023•6 min read
Building up your Library and How I (maybe you should) Read ...more
Writing ,Filmmaking Scholar Warrior &SW-Transforming Habits
October 30, 2023•5 min read
Find out what the ACIDS Test is to improve your writing. ...more
October 09, 2023•0 min read
Using the low cost Scrivener writing program, you bring a ton of features into your writing game. The ability to create folders, more folders and documents within your organized hierarchy allows a Bi... ...more
October 09, 2023•0 min read